Day: August 25, 2020

Monogamy! Whew, Can’t Even RelateMonogamy! Whew, Can’t Even Relate

Many people now a days are normalizing monogamy and I just can’t relate about it. I don’t know why but it’s hard for me to swallow something like that. It must be a lot of pressure on my part and I could not imagine the responsibilities behind that. The pain of having many wives is hassle, that’s a lot of demands and I can’t even give myself my needs or my wife, how can I give more than to another people?

On a broader note monogamy is just a part of the topics that you don’t want to brought up in a relationship, to know more read here

Many wives can cause you a lot of troubles, especially when you have child in each of them. You must be a successful person in order to give their wants. For me one woman is enough, someone that could understand and be patient with me. I can’t handle the stress brought by lots of wives. I can’t imagine my life to be in a chaos situation every time. For me monogamy have been practiced especially in native tribes, where a man lived with many women’s and their children’s.

How can you sleep with many women in a day of your life? Making out with each of them made me feel gross. Actually, these women’s also have burdens carried in this situation, the jealousy of time and attention of a one man. I don’t know why these women enter this kind of situation like seriously, there’s many men out there who are single and can give you a good life. Why you have to be in competition for a man who has eyes for many women? I can’t say that it was love at all, because you can’t serve many women in your life.

The practice of Monogamy is a kind of selfish, you are not aware of your first wife feelings at all. Of course, some first wife just has to agree in that situation because they are afraid that their children will grow without a father model. For me I don’t want my kids to follow me if ever I did some kind of shit. I can’t let my kids see me having so many wives. I just want to make my child see the loyalty that I have for his or her mother, because I am a one woman-man.

Monogamy is not my thing at all, I can’t stand on that shit. I don’t want to burden my kids’ future on that. I don’t want to be in a situation where I have to bear with everybody’s feelings and views. That is a hard case at all. Only a legend can have that kind of thing. Having many wives does not make you look good or handsome, it just means that you are not contented of having one person in your life. Because no matter how many women you have lived with, you will always find somebody to make love with. And the more you have wives, the bigger the responsibility is. Just make sure that you are responsible enough in what you are doing. The children shall not suffer of your own sexual desire.

is monogamy really appealing? read more here