Day: September 9, 2020

Solving relationship problem in lockdownSolving relationship problem in lockdown

We cannot avoid the things that we had to go through especially if we are far away from our lovers. This pandemic has caused too much not just only in our health, family and also our relationship. Things are getting changed now because of this corona virus. Some places have to undergo lockdown in order to flatten the curve of this virus. Lockdown means no one is allowed to go outside and 100% stay at home. Almost around the world had to go through this because of the virus. Much relationship had torn because of lockdown read here to on how most relationship during lockdown Many couples virtually cheated their partners. We can’t avoid jealousy when we are not around in our partners. We can’t see what’s they are up to or they are telling a lie. One problem that lockdown caused in relationship is lack of communication. Usually some people are drawn to playing games to escape being board. Some cannot update their partners 24/7 and it would cause huge problems. As much as we want, we cannot hold our partners time to have video calls with us. We cannot see what they are doing. The time and attention is becoming less because of this lockdown. Some people have this attitude if falling out of love especially if they are too long not seeing their partners. they are enjoying that time and forget about their relationship.

We cannot avoid fights in a relationship but we can always settle it. Just like math, if there is a problem there is always a solution. We just have to solve the problem. We never you encounter miscommunication with your partner, never make any decision that could cause a bigger problem. Stop telling your partner to update you in every second of their life. You have to be matured enough to understand that they also had a life on their own and it’s not yours to hold. If you want to continue the relationship, letting your pride down is a must. One of you must have to openly accept your mistakes and flaws. Whoever made a mistake shall say sorry or the other party should be willing to forgive. There are lots of ups and downs both of you will encounter but you never give up. Always be open minded in things that you fight about. Think about it a couple of times before saying harsh things towards your partner. Even though you are far away from each other, you still have to communicate on things that make you sad and make you feel jealous. You should be truthful to say about what you feel so your partner knows what he lacks or does.

There may be a lot of challenges this lockdown brought to every couple. but as long as you love each other, you can always find a way to stay together. this lockdown maybe just a test on your relationship and make both of your stronger. Giving up easily won’t help but fighting together to save your relationship both of you must work together.

if you have interesting relationship during lockdown share it with us